onsdag 11 mars 2009

Fast Forwarding a pregnancy to a little child, right on the bus!

I was on the bus today and at first this was just any other ordinary bus- travel with my ipod and a few other people on the bus.. Then the bus turns right to the stop near a school...aaaa Cmoon, Fuck me sideways! The bus-stop is packed with small kids, big kids, kids who think they are adults and every single kind of kid you can think of! No one stepped off the bus, and eveeery one at the stop was going on the same bus I so convenient was on!

Every seat gets slowly occupied but there are still like 10 or so who has to stand up in the aisle.. I´m of course sitting where there are four seats, not the usually two seats.. Lucky me, I have my ipod so I dont have to listen to these 2 chicks sitting next to me babbling about whatever they are talking about after a hard day in school....Anyway, there are getting on more and more people on the bus for every stop that goes and maybe 2 stops after the school a family, with 3 kids jumps on the bus and they have to stand beside where I´m sitting.. In the seat right across mine is a third chick who is rather cute.. Then when she sees that this mother is struggling with 2 little kids while standing up, the cute girl offers her knee to the mother for one of her kids so she can hold up one of them, and the mother is sighing happily and let her kid sit on the girl´s lap! And I thought, aaah that is nice, helping a mother like that in a situation which must be rather trying; a fullpacked bus with a loot of people with 2 small children!

then I start to think about the situation... I cant understand how she wants to put herself in that situation? Another person´s kid? Maybe the kid pukes from the bumby ride right on her jacket, maybe the little one starts screaming like a ghost ( I have noticed that on the bus, small kids appearantly likes to scream as loud they can for some reason I really cant see...) what are she going to do about that? She is a perfect stranger and after what I have learned, even mothers have a hard time to keep their children quiet, how is a young woman going to handle the situation? I mean a lot of young women sometimes wishes that they could be a mother for a day and take care of a kid, but those feelings are usually hitting the surface in a nice situation when a child is laughing and playing with its mother or something, not on a freaking bus when the mother is hitting her stress- peak trying to wipe of the sweat from her forehead at the same time holding a kid on each hip...

Y´know, there are no busmother- babywelfare- money and I told her "Dont forget to give him back when you are stepping of the bus!" she laughed a little bit and answered "no I will try and remember that"... Must have felt awesome for her, for 12 minutes she was a caring mother on a bus holding her little kid, and when stepping of the bus, Boom! she is childfree and a young woman again who can go back to think and daydream about how funny the guy across her on the bus was and how cute he also was! //

Yes To Cancer and AIDS, No to Worldpeace!

When it rains it pours I guess..the last post inspired me to write this...

I had a hilarious encounter with a woman a couple of weeks ago.. It was out on a pub and I was standing outside with a cigarette in my mouth! Out comes this rather nice looking girl who I´ve already had seen inside..she kept smiling at me so I figure, hey why not talk to her, she seems nice!
So I did, I walked up to her, offered her a cigarette and she took it and I introduced myself!
I am not kidding here, this is what she said to me; " My name is amanda and I am a feminist!"

!!?? My mind started to shout in my head; "WHAAT THE HELL WAS THAT!??
where is the candid camera? Did I all of sudden participated in some sort of anonymous feminists?
was I supposed to answer to this with "Hiiiii Amanda!" ?? I couldnt believe she actually said this to me.. First I thought I should just walk away but then I actually got irritated cause can people around the world stop "standing up" for the most obvious opinions!? Its insane; "I am a feminist, join groups like "against animal torture", "for world peace"... I mean c´moooon!

I am tired of people saying the most obvious things like its their own "opinion" and how they have really thought it through! So Amanda, the feminist, I didnt know if I should have laughed or cried, So I just "yeah I am also a feminist, and I am aslo straight so do you wanna come back to my place for a little rumble between the sheets??" She slapped the hell out of me..

But feminism? standing up for the women´s rights in our society, right? Women shall have the same rights and are supposed to be equal to men? Yeah, I mean cmon who doesnt feel like that?
Isnt that the most obvious opinion you´ve heard? Feminist? Yeah who isnt? Its the same thing with all these obvious factual matters; I have the same opinions ( and I am pretty sure the rest of the world agrees, except a couple who actually is grabbing a cat and puts it in his hash-pipe) but the only difference is that I dont have to join a fuckin group to tell the world I dont like little puppies getting tortured and putted in freezers in some person´s basement, if the world is doubting on my opinion on that subject, well FUCK the world then! Lets get some perspective here, its 2009, if someone tells me aaany obvious statement in the same sentence they are telling me their name while introducing themself, I get to slap them 9 times in the face! And if it is a woman telling me she is a feminist, she only gets 6 slaps cause lets face it, we all know this already, women are weak and doesnt posses the same resistance as men!! Aaand yes I am for female abuse and also,,, I like cancer...

we know, mrs expert, Michael Moore already told us a couple of years ago!

Okey long time no see and all that...

I am pissed off!
I was watching Jay Leno a couple of hours ago and on the show there was this female "political expert" who has a show on MSNBC.. Rachel Maddow or something was her name.. Political issues in the U.S are now a hot subject which is fully understandable cause they have encountered an election which has already made history with a minority in the oval office, and all around the world people are loving the new changes! Another thing that is worth mentioning is that it wasnt his etnicity that made it happen, Obama is the right man for the position! Although he doesnt have a huge portion of political experience, he posses something greater; a passion and a strong will to make a difference for the american people and to get them out of the huge puddle of crap, which the Bush administration putted them in!
They are in a huge economical crise (which they have in common with the rest of the world) and of course their pathetic health care system! Which leads me to why this post was created...

The political expert on jay leno was there to throw yet another opinion- molotov cocktail through the republican´s window! And I am all for that, cause they have to realize that now is time for the democrats to step in and fix their failures, so please stay out of it now Republicans! You had your chance... So Jay is interviewing this woman and yes at first she really sounds like an "Expert" in this particular discussion, she seems to be on top of her game and well- read! But a couple of minutes into the interview I choke on the big portion of obviousity (dont know if thats a word..) that comes out of her mouth!

She goes on saying that their present health care system is ridiculous and stupid! Only some percent of the american people has an health insurance and how much money it cost to be sick in America.. She says it would be reasonable if they actually would have had the best health care system in the world and that the american population are the healthiest and fittest people in the world and that the average american is growing up to be 300 years old! Then it would be understandable with such an expensive system but that is of course not the case..What she means is that its perfectly reasonable to pay those huge amounts if you are getting something worth while! You pay good money for something that is great, of course! But now they dont, they are paying insanely much money for a crappy system with a bunch of holes in it! Who wants to do that?

What ticks me off with the whole thing, she is supposed to be an expert! She gets that precious air time to say something that can help the viewers start believing again, that now things will be better! But all she does with that time is preaching to the choir! Anybody could go up there and make exactly the same discussion! An Expert! She is supposed to deliver answers not questions!
"Our present health care system is ridiculous!" Uuuuh, yeah I could tell you that! Michael Moore has already mentioned that! Eeeverybody has seen Sicko, Rachel make something worth while with your time! An Expert my ass, every hobo on each street corner can tell you that the health care system is boloni and they can probably give us a more insightfull opinion cause he can actually give us a personal example related to the story! That would be more insightful and learning than with a lesbian political expert, and she is probably one of those few people who actually has an insurance which she pays with the money from hogging valuable air time on a million- audience- TV show! There she does her appearences with just questions and obvious statements but no answers, Goood I hope that her own show do answer some questions cause otherwise I dont know what the hell is going on!