måndag 3 november 2008

Fanta, Cola, water..,..Rape??

But yeah every city has its charm but every place always has something that they cant really be proud of! For instance I cant imagine americans are very proud of that over 30000 people are dying in gunrelated situations every year! I dont think Germany are particullary jolly over the fact that one of the biggest murderers in history were leading their country for a couple of years back in the days...Agreed? So, yeah every place in the world has something they want to forget but sometimes those things are pretty funny when you are deep smack in the middle of it!

I was in Barcelona a couple of months ago and drugdealers are waiting for you on every streetcorner you are strolling down on! At first its something you really reflect on and you think you can change the world with just saying the words, "Did you hear that guy? He was trying to sell narcotics to me, right on the street! That is so wrong, I cant believe this, I am chocked, CHOCKED!" Cause that´s how we function, especially swedes when going to other places that isnt Sweden! But pretty quickly you realize you cant do shit cause you are an unsignificant fuck and in reality; nothing is perfect! So, you can either feel bad about it and think about every shit that goes on, or you can just let it go and move on cause you cant do anything about it! So just Foorget that people are dying needlessly in diseases and due to drugs around the world, shit happens, roll with it, nothing is sacred anymore and nothing is perfect! So as soon you realize that you cant do anything about it, you can just find a way to live your own life simultaneously to all the shit that goes on in the world!

And that´s when you can see the funny part in almost everything! I did that, when I was at the beach one day, and this is by the way in the middle of broad daylight around lunchtime, and this spanish dude comes up to me. He starts offering things and his verbal list starts with legal shit and just spirals down to any crap you can think of! I am just chilling and this dude, and for the record, this dude wasnt the only one, no they were at least 10 dudes walking around offering the same thing every other minute! Like after my first no I all off a sudden is in a desperate need of "Hashish" as they so proudly pronounces it! But yeah this dude comes up and just casually starts to offer me in this verbally putted list of his, just like; "What do you want? water, fanta, cola, sprite.. beer....hashiiish??" Haha I just love the fact that he starts out slow with regular soft drinks and just keep going down the list with wierder and wierder suggestions and for every offer he presents to me, the pause between them are longer and longer due to the fact that what he really wants to sell is the things that are in the bottom of his list! He probably doesnt even have any soft drinks at all, he is just there to sell his weed and he think he has come up with the best system in the world to keep it on the down low! If I would have said; "uuuh yeah a coke would be awesome!", He probably would get upset and say; "A coke!?? Are you fucking stupid, you think I am standing here trying to sell soft drinks!?" You know, he just starts judging me for asking him for a coke, just like; "A Coke? There is a 7-eleven right THERE! How lazy are you!??"
and just wandering off really slow, still mumbling like; "stupid tourists...coke..pff..fucking moron.."But of course in spanish but you know I only took spanish courses for the field trip to party a lot in Spain, like everyother kid that takes language courses... To learn??... Fuck that...

But it would be awesome if every criminal should do that list- kind of a thing everytime before they commit a crime! Like if a criminal came up to a girl on the street in the middle of the night, just like; "What do you want? Robbery? I can rob you and steal like your handbag...Assault? Huuuh what do you think, I can just round up my buddies and we could like kick you and punch you til you actually give us all of your money, that´s pretty cool right? Or check this out, how about rape and manslaughter!? That is personally my favourite! Like I start talking to you really nice and then I slap you to the ground and drag you to the closest bushes and tear off all your clothes and then I top it of by hanging you in a tree so it will look like suicide!? Huh, how about that?" She is like; "uuhm, I think I will pass this time, raincheck, OK? But maybe I will come back to this streetcorner next week and get some of that sexual abuse, ok?"

It would be much easier to avoid problems, I think!

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Kolla min blogg och känn dig utmanad!

Anonym sa...

Magnificent H.!!

Anonym sa...

hahahahahahah! Terrific, absolutely delightful! "pff fuckin tourists"
I don't come to your country and tell you how to do your job...fuckass...

Anonym sa...

slutat blogga dude?