fredag 11 januari 2013

watched from abroad

okey seriously now... Racism is never justified we all know that and I hope you all know that I know that little fact! But if there ever were variations out there of racism that is more or less understandable there is a certain racism I will never understand and that is what I encountered several months ago...If you are a white male human being in North America standing outside an indian deli and screaming at the top of your lung; “You red dotted fuckers are stealing our jobs, my rights and this country!” you are the biggest idiot on so many fucking levels it's an insult to every homo sapien in the fucking universe! 

Because one; You stole this country from the get go. Two, and I'm just assuming here; you deeply believe in a god and you have a deep religious spirit you of aall people at least should understand other people who are practicing the same way of life as you are even though in this case it's a bulls eye right in their forehead and believing cows are holy, but you of all people must understand what he is coming from! Three you still have your rights because back in the day some old country- stealer realized the importance of documenting so they went  Humm I think we need to write this down guys, for all the people like us to come in the future never minding in how many different variations you would reproduce and just fucking create generations of stupid that would interpret aaaall of these words wrongly solely based from the situation he is standing in right now!!

so what are you left with? This inbred standing in the middle of the street because he has nothing else to do between junior juniors nap and his eating so he screams the dumbest things you can imagine... You're taking our country!! Our land!!- you are a waste of genes buddy...This entire country is resting on a foundation that if you have enough people and boats and less illness on board this land is OURS! That's what I'm saying the northern american racism is, if there were any sort of degree of racism, yours is the most idiotic ever!
You are here simply because when you got here the people already living here had a very free spirited life! no sense of ownership, no jobs, no money, no obligations besides surviving which meant hunting animals for food and women to fuck!  and the only hierarchy they had was based on age and experience and that too makes sense because it's noticeable who's in charge then! the under breath mumbles and old wrinkles and the huge bird ass on their head, oh yeah this guy is the chief no doubt about it! Then white europeans from across the pond came here and started to take advantage of this situation and started to just make shit up and of course to their own advantages!

Who wouldn't? If you are ever in a situation where you make up the rules at the same time being a participant whom later on have to obey and follow these rules, you will definitely forge those rules and laws to benefit you and the ones you love because doing the opposite it's just dumb! If you grew up in a home where you couldn't just buy shit to have fun you know exactly what I'm talking about! what are we gonna do today? I don't know...lets make something up ourselves..a game! If you even better, single handedly, are going to make a game up you more so than ever make the rules leaning a wiii bit  to your own advantage...or not even that, you make the rules so your own obvious disadvantages won't cripple you entirely! Take basketball for instance! Why is it still more or the same value of points depending on the distance from the basket for an outside shot than a dunk? think about it. It's waaay harder to jump up high in the air after running past guys who wants nothing else than what you are holding in your hands right now and stretch out mid air to slam a ball in a basket that's over three metres above ground than it is to throw something standing still on a target that's not even moving!!! Every day of the week that's harder work...So why isn't the point system in proportion to the level of difficulty? Huumm because maybe there was a short fucking white dude playing but who also had a saying in the human invention that is the game and the rules it should follow from that point on! Yeah this, it's three points! and the thing you are doing y'know really showing how much we can push ourselves on physical levels is naaw two points! But see what I'm doing here? Definitely more points y'know what, actually see where my foot is? draw a line riight here boy! And call it white man line! Huurrh Bill not a cool name. Lets call it a three pointer line! Because if you make it it's three points!!-why? because it's further away from the target.. uhuuh uhuh but you don't have to do anything really physically challenging to complete the task? I know but I'm fucking small and these blacks are huuuge it's way easier for them! Well maybe you should have thought about that little fact that homo sapien isn't a fucking one size suite! We come in diversity so I guess you should just deal with that and just throw more balls than this guy over here JUMPS!! IT'S STILL EASIER THAN WHAT HE IS DOING! look with your eyes and think with your brain surely you would agree it's harder to touch the rim with your finger than it is to throw a hollow circle from further away!!! Right?!? The words founding fathers should be the biggest clue to what we are dealing with here. Founding!! Fathers!! There was a group of men from overseas whom which from the start wanted an easier and freer life I mean that's why they LEFT! These men came together 237 years ago, like- minded I might add, and founded laws and rules the society we have now rests on and they werent exactly impartial to the results of these decisions!

So there is nothing that can ever justify you screaming words like “they”, “stealing country” and “american rights” not even a lot of time has past since that day so you can't even blame it on old stupid knowledge thought out and read from words in stone on a wall in a cave no it was ink and paper so what aaaall you really can scream is; “I love the fact how you other immigrants learned from us to steal and lie in order to stay and thrive here in this big beautiful country of OURS!! Good Night

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