onsdag 8 oktober 2008

does having means that you have a life!?

What is having a life? Is it to have a job, family, girlfriend (ok, it´s 2008 so a "partner"...) or a lot of friends? Do you have a life if you dont have neither of the above? Of course you have a life because you have to be alive to read this...barely though...But a life in the sence of being proud of what you do..is life equal to how proud you are of what you posses?
I consider a job to be the most important to have and with that you can definitely say that you have a life! although having a girlfriend is nice if it´s a good relationship and friends are always very important to have... And yeah family is of course very important but almost everyone has that so it still wont make you feel any better with two parents than none while waking up past lunch time!

but the job is still great to have because a lot comes with a job like after work activities, new friends and of course the greatest thing; to know that you are earning more money! Becuase lets be honest here, money is veeery important and I will quote one of the greatest comedians of all time becuase it´s fucking true; "Money doesnt buy happiness,, that phrase should end with -"Just Kidding!" And also with a job at your disposal will eliminate a lot of the low- life activites and replace it with better things to do, for instance to not fall asleep infront of the TV with a playstation control in your hands and crums of whatever on your shirt, you bum!

As an unemployed guy I consider myself having very little to do and therefor I think I dont have much to call a life..A lot of the time is being spent in front of something such as the computer and the old tele, so how in the world can I be proud of something like that? Not having enough money for what you want to do really bites.. But I can still answer the question becuase I have always some kind of plan in the nearby future...So go ahead, ask me the question, becuase I got something to say,, and if you really suck as a human being I will totally lie to make you feel as worse as you should be doing because maaan I hate you!

(what question am I talking about you say? that explanation will appear itself below these words due to my adlibing of this part of the text, after I wrote the upcoming sentences, while proofreading it..ok not proofreading it, I read every text once after I write them just to see if it´s worth publishing, and yes 9 out of 10 times, I will publish what I adlib becuase it´s just that damn good!)

In social environments there are a lot of polite curiousity going on with lines like these; "Hey, how you doing? great great, say what do you do these days!?" and under those sircumstances you can determine how much of a life you have depending on how your answer will be to those kind of questions..If you have an answer, any at all, like if you have something going on in the present or plans of the near future like a trip, a job coming up or maybe even to say that you just won the lottery and you are going to relax on a beach far far away from the crappy ass town you are living in..Because almost everyone that can stand on two feet (and those who cant wants to stand on both feet so yeah I am right in everything I say, so fuck off!) wants what they dont have! for instance like a person with straight hair wants curly hair, a person that is short wants to be taller, a dude that is going to be electrocuted wants a regular chair, it´s just how we are! (the examples above will work on both ways, except the last one, because a dude with a regular chair doesnt want to get executed, why would he? he is innocent! okey being innocent doesnt necessarily mean that you wont get putted to sleep, USA has proven us wrong there a whole bunch of times...That would really suck huh? knowing you are completely innocent and at the same time see two guys in white labcoats strapping you in while holding a huge needle, and it aint a placebo- test with saltwater in that my friend! You are a "dead man walking!" Wooow, that was a huuuge detour to what I was originally going to say... But yeah, In those situations when you have an answer, you can honestly come up to the conclusion that you have in fact a life worth living!

Even if you know that what you have going on really bites like you know your girlfriend is ugly and annoying.. and you do know that your job sucks because you are daydreaming of just stabbing everyone in the drive-through line in their throats this day due to the fact that there are too many fat lards in the world these days and you are close to a fucking melt down as the cashier at Mcdonalds..(yeah yeah not fat, okey the people that are eating McMenues are just stressed and dont have time to make their own food, yeah stick to that story when you cant fit on the escalator! Even then, you still have an answer!!
And under those sircumstances, what do you do? Well, you lie and make up fake names on what you really do that sounds cooler so instead of saying you work at Mcdonald´s drive- through you say you are in the restaurant buisness and instead of saying the name of your asshole to "partner" becuase maybe the asking fellow knows her/him by her/his name, you say that you are singel..is that easy...because it´s much easier to lie when you just have to exaggerate your own life and habits..

but if you dont have an answer at all that can show the fact that you actually are having productive days filled with activities, it´s much harder to lie and much easier to walk away from the dude that asked it becuase you know the truth of why he asked it in the first place, right? He is just waiting for you to say; "and what do you do?" because his life is going great and he wishes to throw that in your sad face the second after you are done with your life- description, believe me! Unless the question is asked to a person you want to jump around in the sack with two hours from now, you can go with the curiousity to sound involved and that you are interested, maybe you get lucky!

So, my conclusion is, if you have an answer to a polite, but still curious as hell, question you can consider yourself of having a life! Not a great one, because to have a great one you have to have everything of the first examples I gave of what you must have to have a life worth living, and that is a good paying job, a hot girlfriend, and nice friends....and yes, your family should exist too but thats not a "must have"...as usual... And by the way, if you are reading this, well, then you are soon to be a nobody with nothing of the above..just a good sense of humour!

(this text was the funniest I have written so far because maaan did I adlib or what!? it´s probably wierd to read but hope you tried your best!)

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