onsdag 29 oktober 2008

Timing is crucial when coming up with new ideas!

Its been a while since I dashed down a couple of lines here and I would have loved to say that I havent had the time but that would be the biggest lie and lying is bad... Its jst that there are so little going on and its hard to find the great muse and in these days, muses dont grow on trees nor bushes! There are a lot of things we dont do or can do as human beings and we correct each other and stand in line without complaining because we just want to pay our dues and move on...Nothing of the extraordinary can touch us anymore! We are very hard to flatter and to impress, because we have seen it all up to this point, whether its a guy screaming violently to his cat or a kind of fat and wierdlooking guy who amazes us when he starts to sing, we´ve seen it all!

During my life things has changed drastically, I mean computers, cellphones, microwaves, bio and hybrid cars didnt exist in the late 80´s when I was born, but now they are practically a certainty for every person..except for the hybrid cars, even with the great deal that with a hybrid car you can park almost every where in our country, for free, people still dont get them..its easier to just go along with the old crappy environment killing car we always have driven.. Dont get me wrong here, I am not a greenpeace, Save the Wales, kind of guy I am just saying things have changed a lot in a short period of time! And what if we should have reacted as we do to some new stuff with all the new and developing stuff coming out? Just totally deny their existance because things are fine as they are! Well, if that would have been the case Adolf Hitler wouldnt have gotten to the power as easy because damn did he have a great luck with the timing of his "Coming out of the closet, to take over all the god damn countries in Europe- kind of a thing".. I mean the people were dying for a change with no jobs, no money and no patience left at all! Although many of them knew that his solution for change wasnt the best recepy but it was almost the only way out..I say almost because at the time people were fucking terrafied of the "Red cape" sweaping over the skies. So hmm communism or the nazis!?? and the fear of being a part of the well oiled red machine made them choose a time filled with wiping almost an entire population, Yeah great choice, sidestepping what could have been a tragedy and choose a violent little angry dude with a lot of issues as leader aaand in charge of the arsenal, instead!

But yeah, what if Germany at that period of time were a country with stability and good economy and the people were happy with things as they were? They would have laughed the little man right in his face as hard as they could.."Whaaat, no Adolf, why the hell would we want that? We are fine as we are, we dont need to execute millions of people, they havent done anything wrong maan! We are all happy with good jobs and a stabile market, what are you trying to change and why? The jews!? What have they done? Nothing bad has happen, what are you accusing them for, Adolf? But maybe he is right, the jews are probably responsible for the current situation...So, yeah lets make a celebration day for the Jews, because if they are responsible for how we live our lives now, they really deserve an awesome fiesta!"

How great would that have been? But sadly we all know that little poorlooking Adolf had a better timing than that, which sucks donkey... But how long can we keep upgrading ourselves? I think we are going to that place very soon when everybody is just fine with things as they are and move along paying our regular dues, although perhaps with some new and improved flarnerubgsdg... Yeah, dont look at me, the thing I am talking about hasnt been made yet, can you blame me for the spelling? How the hell can I spell a word that hasnt been invented yet?... Stupid spell- check with your red underlines...


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