onsdag 29 oktober 2008

Where the fuck is my gills? I need my set of wings, PRONTO!

Yeah, anyway... We humans always call ourselves the most intelligent of all the species on the planet and probably in the universe if we had a little bigger ego.. And sure that is probably true, we have done some great things in a short period of time and we are a head in the race with everybody else! We say that we are so complex and smart and I can to some extent buy that..But if we are so damn smart, why are we, in some cases, fucking retarded and easy? I dont mean like an idiot banging his head into a wall while screaming "pillows are hard to swallow!" or whatever retards screams when they bang their head into a wall... I mean why are we so easy and fragile? Why dont we use everything at full capacity?

We have two arms, yet almost everyone uses one of them to most of the activities when needing just one hand, why is that? Yeah, it´s not the end of the world thing here I am just saying we are very simple.. When I smoke a cigarette and I want a cup of coffee at the same time, I all of a sudden transforms into a fucking R-tard because I use my right hand to both those things but when they are mixed I have to concentrate on not dropping the cup with hot coffee thanks to my crappy left hand that cant do anything! That is of course our own fault because we just adapt and every part of us adapts too! If I have done something with my right hand for more than 25 times, I will continue to do so because its in my system now and my mind and body has gotten used to it! So maybe we are so complexed that even the smallest task appears harder than we think when in reality we have just got used with doing the same thing but in a much easier way so why change that!?

But we are sometimes very fragile and for us to live everything has to be just right! The conditions cant change to much because then we are screwed, I mean its a pitty and shame to confess that the homo sapiens is a comfy ass creature! You dont have to do much to hurt us, just have to turn the faucet a little to the left or right and we react! Everything has to be just right, not too hot but not to cold either! We break easily and have a pretty slow healing process and the most important we have has a shell not thicker than an egg! We are not very fast, we need to rest a lot of the time, crappy sight and crappy hearing, IF you compare with other creatures! But I guess everybody adapts differently; for a bear to adapt to a chilly environment he grows a thicker fur, for an eagle to get food he needs great sight and for a human to go fast we use our intelligence and we make a car that will take us faster than no other creature could ever take themselves and then we have the nerve to use an animalword to name the capacity of strength of our new machine! That is just rude...

Things would have been easier to do if we were equipped with more bodily functions! I mean breathing under water would have been great no? No need for expensive scuba- gear, just dive and breath! Flying? awesome right? dont have to worry about terrorists with bombs on planes and never eeever have to open one of those crappy ass peanutbags again, when all you want is some nice peanuts and "open" and every god damn nut flies up out of the bag and on the very questionable carpet under your feet... How great would it be if we werent so reliable on things? for instance what if our bodies would work perfectly without three meals a day? Maybe instead, we only needed three meals a month to go by as normal.. think about all the money we would save if we only needed three meals a month? Grocery shopping would be even kind of fun who knows? And parents would say to their skinny children, "you have to eat up, because next meal will not be for a while and we dont want to get hungry again in 6 days now would we!?" And to the fat kids; "Put down that bag of chips, you just had an icecream 4 days ago and we dont want you to spoil your appetite because the dinner is almost ready, just a couple of days now!"

But maybe, that would be unfair to the other species that actually have those abilities, but it would be great though..But okey, snakes, fishes and birds (I think those were the animals I copied in the examples above..) you get yours and we get ours ok fair and square?Maybe we are fine as the way we are, Just smart and easygoing creatures who probably should let the animals keep their abilities that we dont have, you got to let them have somethings to be proud over right?


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

gills huh? that would be cool. like aquaman! :D same here with the coffeecup and the cigarette. but it's the human way: do it as simple as u can. love ur stuff dude. keep it up! :D

Walter Drego sa...

haha just keep it plain and simple! thank you, my nr.1 fan!hehe