onsdag 24 september 2008

How old do you think I am, Wow, that one is tricky!

when you are growing up, and I mean for all your life, because think about it, that term is only used when you are a child who is growing up.. But I think you can use it to more than that, because we are growing up for everyday that goes.. Why does it have to be only for a child who is getting older?
Why cant it be when you are getting married? (I mean married, of course, when you are living in a civilized society and where you are not considered as an adult when you get your first tooth!)
"Aaah look at Pete, he is getting married, you know, they are growing up so fast these days!" "uuh, mom, I am 28 but hey I guess you are right, I am growing up!" Or, when you get into your first senior citizen- home (residential retirement home), "Aaaah look at my grandfather, just 75 and already in a retirement home, he is really growing up, oops grandpa (!) dropped your teeth there!"

Okey, maybe it should be used how it always has been used because that last part was just plain old crazy..and maybe even a little obscene...

But understand me here, We are of course "growing" all the time and we are getting older... But how do we decide when someone is "old"? Over 70 or when you cant eat an apple without chipping a tooth, because someone forgot to peel it and cut it into small pieces?
When are you "too old" for something? are you "too old" when you see your own child at the same place you hang out in while getting drunk? Or is it just your child who is "too young" to be there? In what cases can you say, "Wow, I am really getting old!" and "Wow, I am getting older!"... or are they the same!? are you "getting old" when your eyes doesnt quite cooperate with you, without helpdevices such as glasses with huge bifocals? And are you "getting older" when you are looking around in a bar and you realize that almost everyone in there, are like what 18 and you are, well, NOT! But "getting older" can of course also reflect on when you "feel" older than the ones surrounding you, for using the example already mentioned; in a bar!

How old are you when you want the guess from this conversation to be older than you or younger than you? Out in a bar: "So, how old are you?" "Weell, I dont know, how old do you think I am?" When do you want the guessing person to say a lower number than your actual age or on the contrary? Well, the obvious answer for when you want it to be higher is of course when you are considered too young to even be out in the first place, and you kind of wanna see if you´ll pass..

But lower, is more of a tricky question! I know, when an older woman asks me how old I think she is, I always go with younger because that is what she wants to hear and I am a nice person, even though she looks like she could be a model for a permobil or for coffins , because daaamn she looks old, stick to the bingo and weaving grandma! So I think, for women, they want a lower number when they have passed like, 25-28 depending how vain they are.. But men, I guess they want a lower number when they are I dont know, 35-38 depending how big of a looser they are...

I guess, we have a lot of stuff helping us determing what is "age- appropriate" such as laws and rules, like you cant go out in bars when you are under 18, cant buy strong liquor (unless it´s in a bar, I know it´s tricky stuff..) until you turn 20, cant drive nor vote while beeing under 18 in Sweden and so on.. But I am of course talking about how to know when something is or isnt "suitable", depending how old you are! the rules and laws can of course be helping a lot in some cases:

"He is only 18 years old, he cant get married, it´s going to be illegal for him to drink at his own bachelor- party!" -- "Yeah, and illegal for him to have hookers there...."--- "Always illegal Joe!"

(I knew quotes from "Friends" would come in handy some day...)

the learning- process of riding a bike can be more than just training wheels..

I was thinking about something and I cant for all the rice in China remember what it was, buut I do, however, continued that thought and my mind wandered of and crossed a subject about age..
Everybody is getting older, I mean that is a scientific fact! you are being born, you learn important stuff like talking, crawling, walking, learn how to ride a bike with a father holding on and then you learn how to ride a bike with a pair of learning- wheels and then you learn how to ride the bike without any attachments to it, and I think the whole "learning how to ride the bike- cycle" and how that process is evolving is much like growing up and what bumbs and jumps as you moving to, well actually, death..but let´s not be moody here with death and such because that is not at all what crossed my mind..you probably think I am going to talk about what happens when you die and so forth due to the fact that I mentioned the word death so early in the text, but let´s not get carried away here, my topic is much more dull than that!

No, but seriously now, the "bike-cycle" can be compared to relationships and how that evolves and how you adjust to the fact that you have to share what´s yours with someone else! because first, much like the father holding on to the bike, you have someone watching your back all the time! But in time that holding on- person is becoming more and more like a glued backback, it´s an unnecessary weight, but then it kind of grows on you and it´s hard to let go... but then in time you have to because let´s face it here people, the first relationship almost never works out, you are (hopefully) young and you do stupid things when you have your first relationship and then; boom, break-up.. unless the stupid thing is the mother of all stupid things, like getting your high school sweetheart knocked up, because then that backback is glued with freaking crazyglue, that shit will neeeever wash off!.. But most of the times you actually move on and find someone new, and that is like the learning- wheels, it´s new and fresh and fun and you love it! You are just fit for eachother, you feel like you can do anything in the world all on your own! You are your own man but still have an understanding girlfriend, but sadly those two things can never be together for so long; freedom and relationship! But you think that, and one sidestep, the wheels tangles into some wierd stuff along the pavement and boom, knees are scrubbed and you cry and she cries because no one understands how this could happen... and you just want everything to go back, as it were before when everything just worked and it was easy, with your loyal dad holding on for dear life, not letting you fall! But that can never happen, so you have to, again, just move on..

Buut, now you have learned from your early day- mistakes and feeling good when the wounds are healing up, and then it slowly dawns on you; "I have to be all alone for a while to discover who I really am and what I am capable of doing myself, and then I can start looking for some really great attachments and that one will, hopefully, stay putted with me and we can learn from mistakes, together and grow old!"

I´ll say this to you though, it doesnt matter how much you screamed for your first when the second were failing, the ex can never come back and be the one who you end up with, because it ended for a reason and I dont know where you are from if you think you can marry your father, that shit is just wieeerd...

If, you dont get this text, read it again and if you still dont understand it, please comment it and let the world know how dumb you are for not understanding a comparing metaphor!

söndag 21 september 2008

The meter is ticking but I dont care, because you rule, Sir!

okey, there a lot of groups of people out there that doesnt get enough credit for what they are doing and some of them has already been discussed, like nurses and the auxiliaries that takes care of the senior citizens and the disabled! They are doing a great task for the society for a very cheap buck, and we all know it! So that has been covered since a couple of years ago but there are still many social groups that doesnt get enough credit but who really deserves it!

I am of course talking about or beloved taxidrivers who else!!?, they are doing an awesome job and now, thanks to the competition, the prize is really dropping down so it´s very cheap to take a cab and it´s totally worth every last dime...A taxidriver is like that loyal friend that everyone is kind of picking on but who is always there for you, think about it..; When you are just freaking hammered you call the taxiFriend:" Hey man, I need a lift, I missed the bus and it´s just too fucking far for me to walk, can you pick me up?" "Huuuh, yeah, I´ll be there in 10 minutes, just have to wake up a little bit, but sure thing buddy, thanks for calling me, see you in a bit!"-- they are just freaking great!

But I feel a little bit sorry for them, I mean that car is their workingplace, and people in offices are fucking complaining about a broken A.C- machine and that the guy behind their working station has a wierd and annoying humming while he is working so that makes you unfocused and you cant concentrate..Think about the taxidrivers! They are driving a tiny car and are basically trying to stay on the road because they have to listen to crappy music while talking to drunk people on the phone who are giving really slow and crapped out directions to where they are located , because they cant remember the address, and the owner of the house and party is outside somewhere throwing his liver up in the bushes! that must be extremely annoying, because you know how painful it is when a friend or a girl is calling in the middle of the night while they are partying and you are, well, not drunk enough for that shit; but that´s a taxidriver´s job, he has to do that! Cred dudes!

And the disturbing guy with the humming in the work station behind you is instead three annoying and boozed up persons that are singing some old song which they just heard when someone at the party were "youtubing", and you know they are singing it completely wrong and out of chorus until one of them pukes in the car 45 seconds away from the arriving destination, oh my god, cabbies, you are doing a hell of a job, I tell you that! Proud of you!

Peace and love to all the taxidrivers, that makes it a reality to be driven where ever while you can barely walk on your own, right up to the door! You guys are like the antiaid for rapes and physical abuses(unless the perp is waiting for you on the doorstep, but if that is the case, you are just having the worst luck eeeeveer and no one can you help you but yourself, sorry for that harsh information but Hey, chin up, that´s life!) thanks to your nightly routines!

CabDrivers equals the superheros of reality!

lördag 20 september 2008

strong feelings can be brought forth by your digital friend...

we all know the biggest cliché ever; "Girlfriends comes and goes but friends lasts forever" but I gotta tell you, even if you are a prince of a harem of 100 women and no friends, you are going to get friends, that´s one thing for sure but if you have 100 friends; that is not a certainty for getting a girlfriend! and there is one common ground for the manwhore and the loyal kid on the block, when your friend- and woman- count is going up to 100, they are all fake! So who can you trust?

If you are an only child you can stop reading now because you will never understand this but if you really want information then by all means, continue... Siblings are the only fuckers that counts! especially when it´s same sex- siblings (you are a guy,boom brothers, girl; sisters, get it?)...
You can be arguing your whole life growing up, teasing and beating each other up maybe even trash the kitchen when "hide and seek" has become boring again, and you will still be the closest ever and you can always (hopefully) count on them.. Why I, myself say hopefully, is because my brothers can always count on me, so again hopefully, they share that opinion with me!

Why did this come to my mind? Well, here we go again, thanks to the old digital Jack- in the box replacement! Watching a fucking great show that really touches you if you have siblings!
It can be a total misery,fightning with each other (bare knuckles), fighting together with others( knucklefights occasionally a couple of baseball- bats), war at home and all that, but still are freaking honestly happy... Their nemesis? only the mother who they are still terrified of! Mom is calling: "Is Sean there? -No.."Tommy then?-No, I think they were going out to play softball.." Yeah softball alright, with big bats and heads and kneecaps as balls, but still laughing because you can see past the brutal action itself because it´s still just a show, but doing stuff together with your brothers, with whatever, always makes you laugh and feeling good!

Three of them in a car; picking the oldest up and asks: "Hey, Jimmy, I need you to buy some drugs for me!" (the guy asking is not a junkie, he just needs to get to the dealer in an act to clean up the neighbourhood, and the brothers knows this..) "Alright"(jumps into the crappy ass car that the youngest just has bought, and it´s showcased to be a dumb purchase of a really poor car and the first thing the jumping-in- brother says: "Who´s ride is this? I LOVE it!" and it´s a genuinelly honest opinion! Fucking great show...

But if you are an only child and you have a lot of friends, dont be nervous what I said in the above, aaall the friends arnt fake, some of them are the closest you´ve got, and those, can be considered as brothers, trust me!

fredag 19 september 2008


I loath myself, I had a clean new post but then I fucked it up by going backwards when I wanted to correct a grammar- mistake, and the whole text fucking Vanished! noooot cool, internet, not cool..

But I will correct this and you will see a post, when I am sober again.. Most adlibing again, but still, I HAD a point, believe you me!

peace out

I dont know how the hell this happened, because hey, I just use the stuff I dont understand them maan, but the text I talked about, I wrote it just now and published it and somehw it came below this post, like if it was older ore some shit but whatever it´s done and the newest of these two posts(because hpefully I will write more on this site so it´s going to be more new stuff that is going to be at the top of the list) is the one below this one , are you with me?

In the history of dumb and drunk decisions; we have a winner!

Okey, guys will agree me on this one..maaybee even the girls, but who knows what you people are doing when you are not sleeping? Perhaps; pillowfights in only lingerie while you are sharing a good Merlot with your "bestest friend"!?? Ok, that was a fun trip to every living and breathing guy´s dream, let skip back to the reality, shall we!?

aah technology, I have talked about it before but now I am upset of what we dont have in this day of age..we have a lot, and dont get me wrong I looove all the small stuff and gadgets that makes the human race what we are today; lazy, slobby and comfortable! Because lets face it, we have all these stuff that turn us into comfy little homo sapiens ("Is that why they are extinct!?") friendsfan, anyone? alright moving on.. There are tons of them and every little gadget gets more and more little features because it seems that we are not happy if we dont upgrade ourselves, why is that? because we are just so damn used with it!

I mean phones are getting camera, in situations where we just have to share our expierences from the night before with our friend but we cant get a hold of him? we dont have to call again, booom answering machine.. Cords? Nope my friend dont need those, say good bye, we got batteries!! even our comfy chair, that already has that name, gets more stuff so we can be more slobby and comfortable, fucking coolers in the arm rests? Do we really need that? arnt the comfy chairs fine as they are, comfy and close to the TV..if you really need a coke, GET UP! is there no stopping to us? everything is getting more comfy...But I think there has to be something with the power over something small but yet powerful in our hand, I mean every movie growing up when there was a bad guy, he aaalways had something reaally evil and powerful and it was aaalways really tiny! I think we are heading to that, our specie is filled with evil dudes that wanna take over the world with an apple that has lethal pits that explode as soon as...yeah yeah you get the point, almost got little evil there for a second! But I like it..buuuut,,,

,, what we reaaally need now is actually one more feature to our mobile phones (like we dont have enough features on the phones, right?) and it´s connected with our most beloved feature of them all, everybody uses it now and it´s called the SMS! aaaah could it be more perfect?
Here it is, we would move to the next level with this at our disposal, some kind of alcohol test before we can use it, because damn, the human race has suffered many times with drunk-, and horny of course, midnight- sms to the opposite sex! why do we do that? If we couldnt score when we were actually out in social environments where there was probably one or three women, I dont think we can score on a text- move...But like blow into the antenna or something and if you are too drunk to operate it a text appears in front of your eyes like a fresh slap in the face; "Not sober enough to compose a sms, please try in 14 hours for the next session"... that would save a lot of agony and regret in the morning and you dont have to send an apologize- sms in the morning when your are apologizing to your head to stop the noice inside, and he is punishing you for pouring the alcoholic beverages in barrel- quantities last night! But all that will vanish with the alcohol tester!

okey not to say that aaaall drunk dials and smses are due to fail maybe sometimes you would get a positive answer instead of eating your night food alone that consists of tasty indian food that you got for 39 kr (maybe because it was on the floor once or twice during the cooking of it) with bamboo and shit in it which you got from the place on the corner that smells like a 2 weeks old kitty-litter box where you never, eeeveer, even look at while beeing sober and hopefully you are spending most of your outdoor- life sober and not drunk so the odds of walking into that place 14 minutes over something reaally late are not huge, my friend but sadly you did.. and of course you are opening a new beer because you were acting "dude" to yourself at this time its like "Beeeer!?" "Heeell yeah man, that would be aaawesome!!" because yeah, all those 13 beer at the pre- party and the six shots of absinth out in some shabby pub were just, what, "warming you up" for this beer!? that beer is the one that is going to make you pay and will make sure that the only love and affection for you tonight will be from the toilet while hugging that shit in a fetus position, because seriously there was probably a good idea falling asleep on the kitchen table with a almooost full beer because I dont think the sms was the only thing that was hard to operate this night if you know what I mean, save that energy for the pillowfight- dream because the old love stick wont cooperate with you my man!..idiot...

Parenting is a great responsibility!

With that title it gives the appearance that I have three kids that are just painfully annoying but no that isnt the case, far from it, actually I think I still consider myself as one of those painfully annoying kids...

But yees, it´s a pretty big commitment.. It´s like the biggest most important job you will ever get.. think about how that job- interview would go:" Well, I see here Mr.Johnson, that you have quite the resumé and great qualification from your present boss..let´s see here,, Mrs.Johnson..hrrm, moving on.. But are you up to the task, Johnson? This job consists of a lot of responsibility and a lot of night- and weekend- shifts..let´s see what job you searched for, aah here we are; you wanted the job as a Father, well let me tell you right now then, boy, it´s gonna be aaaall the nights and weekends..this is a 24 hour job and your first vacation will be in, let´s see here, in 18 yeeeaars! maybe some weekend off in 15 years or so when the kid starts to date but hey, I wouldn´t count on that, you could get an ugly kid! But if you want it, you start working here immediately in, about 9 months.."... "I´ll take it!"

Why is it such a responsibility then? Well, probably because anything the kid will ever do or say in the future, you are, as the parent, going to be putted on the stand every single time..The parents are constantly in the electric chair, waiting for it to be plugged in.. Because if the kid is often surrounded by new things; "Spoiled!; parent´s fault!"..-"That kid gets whatever he points at.." If the kid swears a lot; Booom, parents fault!" "they should reaally think about what they are saying around the kids..." If the kid is afraid of showing love; "The parents doesnt show enough affection around the kid, you should hug your kids more!"Or that they had sex when the kid was lying in the crib next to them..Hey don´t judge me, this is Freud talking here, not me, and he is dead so you cant do anything about it.. If the son is emotional; "Mommy´s boy!"...or that he is getting beat up by the father, I cant remember which one...

..I guess it´s not important.... (http://walterdrego.blogspot.com/2008/09/klich-nooo.html on "Rembering what´s important, if you read it you´d understand this line.. it´s the text right below this one, I was hoping whoever reads my texts has some kind of memory...reaaad it..)

Signed yours truly: Kidless Freud( I mean cmon, how did he have so many theories about kids and how they act and finding out why..there´s never anything about his kids.. Maybe he neglected them so much for his work, y´know finding out how to be the best PARENT..Irony!!did he have kids? Or were he just the biggest pedophile ever lived...creapy isnt it!?

kliché, nooo...

I love the fact that we have internet, microwaves, tecnomusic (which I still dont get why people can listen to that, without being fucked up or something) , trips to the moon(ok, one, and that was probably fake, I mean cmon; wind on the moon? seriously, the flag cant move, you are on the freaking MOON!) robotengeneering and invisible cars(ok, the only one who has that is pierce brosnan, but hey still, we have given it a thought!) in this day of age but that we still have obvious klichés..why are those still around? I know, I know, they are good advice but cmon people, we all know them by now.. "dont speak with your mouth full, dont make wierd faces; you can get stuck, dont take candy from strangers, when it rains it pours, after rain comes sunshine, dont run with scissors in your mouth(or wait, hand was it!??) do you get the point, we dont neeeeed them anymore..

A very intelligent and beatiful woman once told me: "Remember what´s important in life so you dont throw something meaningfull away, you just might end up with a life filled with pointless garbage...aaand dont drop your money, only loosers does that!!".. seriously...

First of all, isnt it quite obvious? IF something is important, THEN you dont forget it, y know why? because it´s IMPORTANT, for crying out loud.. in some cases when you dont remember something, it´s probably not that important, you could probably do the thing that was forgotten, tomorrow.. (I mean listen to Pierce Brosnan; "Tomorrow never dies"..) whats with that you say? two pierce brosnan as bond- jokes in one post? Oh, I´ll give you water my sweet flowers; saw that bond movie yesterday, and I laughed my ass off, it´s just terribly awful.. there´s one and a half hour I never will get back in my life...That´s something I wish I can forget, because that shit wasnt at all important! She should have said:"Remember what´s important in life so you dont throw something meaningfull away, you just might end up with a life filled with pointless garbage...aaand dont drop your money, only loosers does that!!...and dont watch a movie called "Tomorrow never dies, it´s awful dont do it, I know Pierce brosnan has done some good bond-movies before, but trust me, this one Suuuucks..."

And another thing "...life filled with pointless garbage.." !?? Is there any place in the world that has great garbage? Isnt that kind of a given? that garbage is crap and pointless!? Do you think there is a person somewhere in the world who says; "Aaaah maaan, I just threw my gold in the garbage.. Daamn, that was really stupid, throwing away meaningfull garbage like that! wish I had some advice about that back in the days, it would have really helped right about now...."..!???

Cmoon, lets get rid of these crappy unnecessary advices, they are just tooo damn obvious, once and for all... By the way, I have neeever dropped money, only lost it to gambling..does that make me a bad or a good person for not dropping the money or that I loose them in gambling environments, huh mommy!?

Peace out

out of work or just miserably lazy!? Employment=Cup of Coffee in the mornings!

Okey, I think before starting to write this post: It´s not gonna be a long one, like aall the other ones, so let´s see if that can be arranged...

Ever realized that you are probably the laziest person in the world? I mean, just a little action or a thought that makes you start to think: "I think even the bums along the streets has a more busy schedule than I got..." Maybe I did the worst comparesment ever there because bums probably have a lot to do, lot of planning to do for the next hours in their life, about food, roof over their head("Hey guys, doesnt that parking- lot just screams; comfy stairwells?"), find a good begging-spot, a good begging-for change- hand- style and how they are going to catch the five day- forecast on the news,,,

I mean homeless guys are the only group of people that I feel are legit to ask the question: "Will the weather be good this week?" All you other people asking or even talking about the weather, STOP THAT! its so annoying, if you dont got anything to say, then be silent and vanish from my life, for god sake! If you REALLY want to know how the weather is going to be, like if you are going on a sailing- trip or something, then u probably already know the answer, because it´s just THAT important to you(!), and you trying to put the other dude in bad rep, NOT COOL, WeatherGeek!
Ok, fair enough, sailors and homeless dudes are legit to talk about the weather, because the weather is a big deal for their future...But everybody else, turn on the tele or go on the internet and find out for yourself...lazy...

(I just figured out that this aint gonna be a revolutionary post, this one is ALSO going to be long..to much adlibing, my bad..although fuck that, I dont feel sorry for that, I love adlibing and if you wont read something that is longer than four lines with a huuuge picture, that just makes you dumb...not me...)

Aah that brings me back to my point, Lazy, I discovered today, this morning, that I love coffee but I am still too lazy to make it, I mean; when it´s only for me, I mean making something only for myself? do I deserve that kind of good treatment? I dont have any job, spending a lot of the time in front of the computer due to my sad balance on my account and no girl to play with..do I deserve fresh coffee every morning?, Maaaybee an instant cup of coffee once in a while but there´s the line and I drew it!...or maybe it´s just like this; I am to lazy to wait for the water to get bubbly, suit up the old coffee- machine with a filter, WHICH I have to fill with coffee- grind, I, I dont know, sounds to much..work..
I think Iam just going to smell the coffee- grind for a while then have a glas of milk..yeah maybe some day I will drink a cup of coffee for breakfast, in my home, which I made myself.. that have to wait when I get a job.. But today, I will do, what I always do, pay for a cup of coffee, because someone actually wanted to make that cup just for me; A paying customer! I am happy with being that guy...

peace (not the weather- dudes, Is it really that important?, if it rains, grab an umbrella, that´s all you have to worry about, I mean where do you think you are living? The Amazones!? the weather doesnt changed that drastically here, that you have to check in with everyone you meet like every 15 min, it´s the saaame... geeez, dumbasses...)

torsdag 18 september 2008

(the story is putted on hold) Crap, you only getting three!

okey the story have to wait.. I must have been high writing I would put it out here, fuck that! buut when I figure out more to this story than just a plot and the dude the whole story is about, I´ll get back to you!

Btw, wouldnt it be great to have the ctrl+Z- move in real life? I would love that, think about it, taking stuff back with bad excuses and lies would vanish from our lives..You know how awkward it can get everytime you do stuff that´s just not cool!? Of course you want to take those things back but you cant because I mean 9 times out of 10 when you get the question:"Why did you do this? Why in gods name were you totally checkin in that woman´s ass? Why!? you are married to ME dickwad!" the answer (if there´s one) is just as stupid as the action you just did! you can´t go and tell the truth to those question, then all the relationships in the world would be over in a second.. you "dont want" to tell a lie either but you have to cause the truth suck in those situations, I mean the truth to the ass-question!? cmon, seriously? really would you tell the truth: "What!? why shouldnt I!? since we got married you havent exercised one minute, you are getting FAT, Lady!",, yeah go with that, see what it leads you...divorce dumbass!

So the truth sucks, lying gives you guilt, so what you do? (Well, you could stop looking at other female´s rears all day, but seriously, that aint gonna happen, cause we are guys and guys equals pigs and you have said that all along ladies, so how can you even think about trusting a pig and think he is going to do better? aah the naivetivity...) well IF, you had the ctrl+Z- move, you´d hit that in a second, how great would that feel, just go "Yeah baby shake those puppies for me!" then just "ooh fuck.." then the question comes: "Why were you looking down that woman´s cleevage for? arn´t mine good enough for you,HuH??" you can easily go: "oh I am sry honey, I "Regret" it(ctrl+Z, ctrl+Z) Then "SLAAP!!, right in the face"..."craap... I forgot you can only use it three times and I fucked her sister during lunch!! But hey at least she caught me with this cleevage-thing, it could have been worse, I am going to Vegas tomorrow, then boom, three new ones coming right up!:D""

I love technology... peace out!

tisdag 16 september 2008

IF you like it comment or even pass it along please!

Ok, here´s the thing...I like to scramble down words and see what I get.. So, yeah pumping words on to a piece of paper is one of my favourite things! And being a young gun in this generation were there is a preettyy big piece of paper for my advantage which also happen to be pretty public ( I am of course talking about the internet, aah our beloved internet, who could live without, seriously!?)

So why dont take a shot? Well, I guess I did but a personal blogg(?), telling everybody who I am(?), well I havent even done that although I have a blogg..it´s not personal, because, well in case you didnt notice there is the pretty obvious word, "Alter Ego", in the name "Walter Drego" and of course it could have been more obvious if I would had given it time to think of something creative but, hey, what can I tell you, it´s not my style, impulses and adlibing are two favourite personal features of mine!

But anyway, here is my shot and I think I am going to take it..I am gonna type down as much as I can here on this blogg on a little story I have been thinking about, but I havent written it down, because I thought it was just a thought before I fell asleep..but ideas and storyboard kept coming back everytime before visiting the old dream- factory so I thought what the hell!? I will type down them from now on after this post! but if you would think it is rubbish than just stop reading it but on the other hand if you kind of like it, I would be honoured to know, and maybe even you could pass my URL forward, and say, hey want a good read with some humour into it!? go to http://walterdrego.blogspot.com/ if you can undestand english with crappy grammar with a lot of irony in it!

...starting tomorrow....peace:D

why are there so many fuckheads on the Internet!??

First of all, go swallow a knife all of you that are posting movieclips on youtube with false titles.. there are a couple of you knuckleheads out there that obviously finds it hilarious to post movies with titles like "20 funniest moments on family guy" and so forth, but are these funniest moments in that movie? are there any parallell to family guy, like an idiot tryin to resemble the the voice- overs!??

NOO there is just a fucking annyoing sound with psychodelic colours, or an idiot that repeate a 2 second clip, for 3 minutes, of himself screaming his moronic face off!!

Whats the humoristic line in that? Is there any point for it what so ever? Can this tool even observe the funny part when "fooling" a viewer!??

NOO, to all the above, there is no punchline, no "leading up- uh oh- here comes the scary part- HAHAHA kind of a thing,,, noooothing! He cant even be a part of it, because then he probably would be stoned to death ( it wouldnt surprise me though if these fuckers enjoy and gets a kick out of that too,,.. sick morons!) by all the ones that actually appreciate the marvelleous phenomenon that is "Broadcoast yourself- Humour"!

Aaah, I get soo pissed, because now I probably gonna miss an awesome clip because the energy is being sucked out of you when u see a little moron moving his head spastically back and forth and screaming with a high pitch- voice, in a clip that is named "The best clips ever from all funny crap you can think of" (Hopefully you, my readers, if you exist, understand the irony in that title, becuase those titles speaks for themself, if you click on those you are the moron, not the guy IN the clip..) and you are thinking to yourself "What is the point with being a douchBag on the internet if there´s no gratitude from other people around the world and of course there´s no money involved, and you just wish for one second that you had the ability to give out cancer through a screen with just using your eyes, that would suit for those moments, I tell ya that!

måndag 15 september 2008

The Ego has landed!

My ego has it´s ups and downs every day but today I just realized that I look good in crappy- looking clothes... does that make me ugly, because I look as ugly as the Fugly* clothes I am wearing so it is kind of a great match, or is it that I am just good looking that I can pull off even the most dreadful piece of clothing?

I believe that you can see a crappy shirt but still see a great looking person, but who will put on an awful shirt? Well, most often it is when you are at home and no one can see you in the shabby clothes except yourself in the mirror and you are wearing it simply because it is comfortable and you dont care what the mirror is showcasing right in front of your eyes... and why is that by the way? Why is it, that your most awful clothes are the ones that are great to wear while relaxing? Are the clothing companies in some big bet with each other to see how far they can take comfort out to streets? How many of the consumers is going out in social environments with nastylooking clothes but they are so comfortable so they just dont care anymore? "Yeah I know, it is just horrible, this outfit, and I think I will never loose my virginity thanks to this red and purple shirt but, Hey, it was a hard bet to begin with so I might as well be comfartable while I am being an idiot.." New slogans will appear: "Dress as a looser, but feel like a King!"

I guess I am just that shallow in that sence that I know I am wearing an absolute horror for a shirt but still want to check myself out everytime I pass the mirror, to like "Well, If someone would see me in this shirt at least I know I would look pretty smashing!" But to be honest, seriously the only one who could see me, would be the craziest stalker ever, due to my apartment is located on the fourth floor, and I mean if I got a stalker, I dont think she is going to judge me for my appearence, I think she has already proven her point that she likes me for who I am when she is across the street in a tent with binoculars praying to god I might take a shower because she has just rigged up a "Too Hot for Shower"- cam two days ago when I forgot to lock the door, because you know, she would be a STALKER!

*Putting a capped out F in front of an adjective that starts with a vowel just means you have to say Fucking infront of it...like the example above in the text would go; fucking + ugly = Fugly

note; grammar is awful for a reason!

I know, my spelling and the correctness of grammar is not quite in order and there is a very reasonable explaination which is, first of all this spellcheck is crap! But the more obvious one is that I am swedish and I find the english language more suitable for mediating individual views and personal opinions with feelings than I do with the swedish language.. And it is not that I am bad, because I think I am pretty good with overseas- languages, I pick up new words pretty easily and I want to learn it is just that sometimes when writing I am not 100% on how the correct grammar should go, becuase I kind of go with the flow and I choose what sounds right but as mentioned above, it´s not choosed with 100% certainty, lets just leave it to that!

And also, the whole apostrophe- world is pretty unknown for me with the english words on my keyboard, I mean I know 9 times out of 10 where they are suppose to be, its just that I am to lazy and that 10:th case could come up and slap me in the face so I just say fuck all the apostrophes because you all know what I mean anyway (IF there are any readers of course, than otherwise it really doesnt matter)

(Adlib is a great thing!) not a good feature...

I just looked at the blogg and saw that I write pretty long chapters and maybe that´s a bad thing...

Well, I guess the right thing to do is to cut down my opinions and personal views much like they do to forests when they are to big..Hopefully we wont do that when the asian people are 20 billion in what, shall we say, in Spring 2009!?? Maan they are a big bunch now, are they not? I dig the asian people though, they have given us aaaa lot, so keep shagging like bunnies and thanks for the great job you have been doing so far! Appreciate it, seriously!

Aaaand I just realized why my texts allways ends up longer than freaking Shac, and that is why I adlib too much... I think I should stick to the story, but then again, that is why this blogg started to exist in the first place, I wanted to adlib and shortcuting a couple of funny sidestories, because I like to write my opinions..All though I should have waited on that information a little bit longer because it would look ridiculous if I got bored and stoped writing on this blogg and the last thing you read is "I like to write"...kind of dumb right? You would think I am dead for crying out loud!

But that is another pretty obvious personal feature I have and I realized that a while ago, I get easily bored! and that is not a good feature I can tell you that... And how fast I get bored is in proportion to how long the activity, or whatever the hell I get bored of, is.. I mean for example if it is a TV-show lasting for 30 minutes I will probably get bored after 16 minutes, although this is all in my head, the boredom I mean not that I am dilussional... So I can stick it out due to the lack of future activity but I will probably never for all the gold in Fort Knox see the next episode...

That´s the kind of guy I am, and although it doesnt sound so bad to get bored over a TV-show, cmon everybody gets bored of the old digital Jack in the box, what are you crying about!? but it´s the same for me; for everything(!)... and that can sometimes include people..ookey alright almost always but that doesnt mean I dont have good friends because I do, I have a couple of dudes that I consider as brothers and those I could never get bored of..well, of course I can, but they are close, so I can say that to their faces but that hasnt happened yet so no I dont get bored with them..

So, it is pretty obvious right now is it not!?

Yupp, it is the girls I get easily bored about, and not girls perse because I love women, but I havent met someone that I really want to meet again.. and again and again and so on...I have had relationships but that´s not the same, because I got bored of those too, and also to fast..I regret sometimes not sticking out with it and see if it would have lead to something better because as soon as I hunch a yawn in the back of my mind, I end it! And is not that I dont want a woman by my side, because damn it I do, I just havent met her yet..I think..., and if I did I just got bored and blew her of my side like dust on my shoulder!

All blonds are not dumb bimbos, someones you can even have discussions with(not the forced ones) and really, reaally enjoying it!

I love to be right at the end, especially when my correctness have had time to grow through a loud maybe even violent discussion. And when I mean right I do not mean "No I am right and that´s that, end of discussion, haha in your face- kind of a way!" noo nooo nooo, NO! I mean the Right when the otherone is Wrong. And by wrong I dont mean "yeah whatever, You are right, whatever..." I mean Wrong when they admit it aaafter all the arguments and views have been putted on the table and then say "huh, yeah I guess you are right!" (Maybe even with a "thanks man!" after that for the learning and teaching kind of a thing, like a master and protogé, but it´s not necessary at all...but it helps for my ego and nothing else!)

I mean who doesnt right!?

Buuut, I also love to be proven wrong, IF it has grounds to stand on then otherwise I just wont believe something extraordinary..because then it has drastically moved from truth or educating to plain old lies or a fairytale! but yes, being proved wrong isnt, everytime a bad thing and I came to that conclusion this weekend.. but being proven wrong and loosing in your typical fight with girlfriends, friends, parents..cats depending on what kind of a life you are living, are not the same thing!

Loosing in a fight just means that you couldnt come up with more words during the argument so you stormed out, still furious as hell or you have already won the fight due to the other individual lack of words- storming out- Move, which you can relate to chess, but instead of storming out you just throw the chess- table to the ground and laugh because you hate chess and you had been forced to play it from the beginning of time every Christmas Eve with your grandfather becuase all his chess- buddies are all very dead...sorry big sidestep there.... (where am I, where am I where am I?),,,aaah yes, loosing in a fight...BUT(!) being proved wrong is NOT the same thing, because that can be, in fact, quite liberating, or even satisfying if you stick to my story, and if you have an intellect that can produce braincells quick enough for the great gift of reading between the lines and if you have that you are doing just fine...

This weekend! Aah yes; My conclusion equals When you learn that your, or even the society´s, thoughts on stereotypes are being proved wrong, it can be quite the thrill- ride and you can say that you have been completely wrong in the past! of course, the thoughts from your past on stereotypes and prejudices are always exaggerated becuase every time the material for your stereotype crosses your path trough your everyday- life, it works as a fuel and you kind of say to yourself inside your head " huh, wow, I have really been right about this all along, because maan, every god damn.....(figure it out!)!" because no smoke without fire but sometimes, in rare moments where you could never predict it, the material for your stereotype comes along and proves you deadWrong, and that people,, is exactly what happened to me this weekend!

From now on I will never, ever start my views when putted verbally and/or in writing, with words that points out that my views are for all with the same estetic, personal, or any, feature you can think of that can match stereotypical thoughts, no instead I will use an individual feature for that person, say like their name, IF I have to supply my opinions to anyone (that ecuals bullshit- talk or café-talk and you all know that!)

And that was really satisfying and I am glad to now fill in the headline, and for you to use your imagination and figure it out all on your own!

But the moral to this story is; It can be OK to have stereotypical thoughts but let it be thoughts in your head because otherwise you can hurt someone, and instead feel great when you realize that you have been proven wrong and at the same time you didnt had to hurt someone by putting those thoughts out there,, and you will see that you didnt had to storm out the room cursing to be wrong!

falling asleep is suppose to be the easiest thing!

I like the fact that wherever I turn my head, facing toward any media of course, I see a lot of insomniac- problems; people are becoming more and more workoholics which results into sleeping disorders... I can, in some way understand why some people work their asses off to work their way up on the hiring ladder and / or if the jobdescriptions equals fun and laughter ( and I know what your asking yourself right now, where on earth can I find a job that equals fun and laughter?), and they do exist if you have been given the rare oppurtunity to work with something where you can answer the question: "So what do you do?" with "I have always wanted to do this because I have dreamt about it since I was a kid..." and under those sircumstances the person answering has probably worked his /her ass off, both in the pre- job environment such as school and also after they have been hired and have made an "inside- career"...

And another answer to that question is "I am just good at what I do and I have always dreamt about it since I was a kid!" that means they are in the small group with a "talent" of some kind, and can provide their family of what it needs and more thanks to their music talent, athletic talent or he / she just happened to be the first person who ate 69 pizzas back to back and got into the world of records- book or whatever, note; I have no idea if that record is being held by anyone out there, it was just an example...

But working my ass off for something that is not forfilling nor equals fun and laughter? Knowing I am just working becuase my daddy dont own one of the largest and most profitable hotels in the world and my mother is actaully not the first person holding a record for eating 69 pizzas back to back and therefor has not a multimillion dollar deal for commercials etc etc.. No, I am working only for the simple reason to go by without looking out a window with bars, and so I dont end up staring with closed eyes in a nice suit in a very klaustrofobic bed with crying relatives around the bedspread! Just working for the simple fact to hang on and to make a tuesday out of a monday and a wednesday out of a tuesday and so on (I think u get the picture and if not, you are slow and are probably one of those people that are paying attention during the safety- theater before take-off)... And that is not a rare group doing so, no that is the majority that do so, because that´s life! So why are there so many workoholics then??

Reeelaaax and do what you are suppose to do and fall asleep when you want, maybe even during a long train- ride, without problems and definitively without a prescription from your doctor! Sleeping is a natural thing, everybody does it, and it is supposed to come natural, withOUT popping pills, but when I say this; your job isnt everything even if you have nothing and you are a nobody cause if you think your job is everything, sooner or later, you are going to realize you dont even have sanity, and then you are in a rare group becuase sanity comes for free(well, for most of us) and then it´s waving bye bye to the nice man in the white long coat, and you will discover this to late; that it is in fact easier to fall asleep than staying awake stressing around working your ass off all the time, and BOOM that huge door will slam so hard, and you have worked so hard to get to the point where you are right now,, In a small ass room with a big door, and you have no longer control, not even the control to open and close your own door cause your arms are tied around your back and doesnt it kill you when you think all I had to do was to fall asleep, nothing else, you didnt even have to sleep with anyone else, just with yourself, to get that easy task! Irony can be a bitch- slap away sometimes!