måndag 15 september 2008

The Ego has landed!

My ego has it´s ups and downs every day but today I just realized that I look good in crappy- looking clothes... does that make me ugly, because I look as ugly as the Fugly* clothes I am wearing so it is kind of a great match, or is it that I am just good looking that I can pull off even the most dreadful piece of clothing?

I believe that you can see a crappy shirt but still see a great looking person, but who will put on an awful shirt? Well, most often it is when you are at home and no one can see you in the shabby clothes except yourself in the mirror and you are wearing it simply because it is comfortable and you dont care what the mirror is showcasing right in front of your eyes... and why is that by the way? Why is it, that your most awful clothes are the ones that are great to wear while relaxing? Are the clothing companies in some big bet with each other to see how far they can take comfort out to streets? How many of the consumers is going out in social environments with nastylooking clothes but they are so comfortable so they just dont care anymore? "Yeah I know, it is just horrible, this outfit, and I think I will never loose my virginity thanks to this red and purple shirt but, Hey, it was a hard bet to begin with so I might as well be comfartable while I am being an idiot.." New slogans will appear: "Dress as a looser, but feel like a King!"

I guess I am just that shallow in that sence that I know I am wearing an absolute horror for a shirt but still want to check myself out everytime I pass the mirror, to like "Well, If someone would see me in this shirt at least I know I would look pretty smashing!" But to be honest, seriously the only one who could see me, would be the craziest stalker ever, due to my apartment is located on the fourth floor, and I mean if I got a stalker, I dont think she is going to judge me for my appearence, I think she has already proven her point that she likes me for who I am when she is across the street in a tent with binoculars praying to god I might take a shower because she has just rigged up a "Too Hot for Shower"- cam two days ago when I forgot to lock the door, because you know, she would be a STALKER!

*Putting a capped out F in front of an adjective that starts with a vowel just means you have to say Fucking infront of it...like the example above in the text would go; fucking + ugly = Fugly

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