söndag 21 september 2008

The meter is ticking but I dont care, because you rule, Sir!

okey, there a lot of groups of people out there that doesnt get enough credit for what they are doing and some of them has already been discussed, like nurses and the auxiliaries that takes care of the senior citizens and the disabled! They are doing a great task for the society for a very cheap buck, and we all know it! So that has been covered since a couple of years ago but there are still many social groups that doesnt get enough credit but who really deserves it!

I am of course talking about or beloved taxidrivers who else!!?, they are doing an awesome job and now, thanks to the competition, the prize is really dropping down so it´s very cheap to take a cab and it´s totally worth every last dime...A taxidriver is like that loyal friend that everyone is kind of picking on but who is always there for you, think about it..; When you are just freaking hammered you call the taxiFriend:" Hey man, I need a lift, I missed the bus and it´s just too fucking far for me to walk, can you pick me up?" "Huuuh, yeah, I´ll be there in 10 minutes, just have to wake up a little bit, but sure thing buddy, thanks for calling me, see you in a bit!"-- they are just freaking great!

But I feel a little bit sorry for them, I mean that car is their workingplace, and people in offices are fucking complaining about a broken A.C- machine and that the guy behind their working station has a wierd and annoying humming while he is working so that makes you unfocused and you cant concentrate..Think about the taxidrivers! They are driving a tiny car and are basically trying to stay on the road because they have to listen to crappy music while talking to drunk people on the phone who are giving really slow and crapped out directions to where they are located , because they cant remember the address, and the owner of the house and party is outside somewhere throwing his liver up in the bushes! that must be extremely annoying, because you know how painful it is when a friend or a girl is calling in the middle of the night while they are partying and you are, well, not drunk enough for that shit; but that´s a taxidriver´s job, he has to do that! Cred dudes!

And the disturbing guy with the humming in the work station behind you is instead three annoying and boozed up persons that are singing some old song which they just heard when someone at the party were "youtubing", and you know they are singing it completely wrong and out of chorus until one of them pukes in the car 45 seconds away from the arriving destination, oh my god, cabbies, you are doing a hell of a job, I tell you that! Proud of you!

Peace and love to all the taxidrivers, that makes it a reality to be driven where ever while you can barely walk on your own, right up to the door! You guys are like the antiaid for rapes and physical abuses(unless the perp is waiting for you on the doorstep, but if that is the case, you are just having the worst luck eeeeveer and no one can you help you but yourself, sorry for that harsh information but Hey, chin up, that´s life!) thanks to your nightly routines!

CabDrivers equals the superheros of reality!

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