fredag 19 september 2008


I loath myself, I had a clean new post but then I fucked it up by going backwards when I wanted to correct a grammar- mistake, and the whole text fucking Vanished! noooot cool, internet, not cool..

But I will correct this and you will see a post, when I am sober again.. Most adlibing again, but still, I HAD a point, believe you me!

peace out

I dont know how the hell this happened, because hey, I just use the stuff I dont understand them maan, but the text I talked about, I wrote it just now and published it and somehw it came below this post, like if it was older ore some shit but whatever it´s done and the newest of these two posts(because hpefully I will write more on this site so it´s going to be more new stuff that is going to be at the top of the list) is the one below this one , are you with me?

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