måndag 15 september 2008

(Adlib is a great thing!) not a good feature...

I just looked at the blogg and saw that I write pretty long chapters and maybe that´s a bad thing...

Well, I guess the right thing to do is to cut down my opinions and personal views much like they do to forests when they are to big..Hopefully we wont do that when the asian people are 20 billion in what, shall we say, in Spring 2009!?? Maan they are a big bunch now, are they not? I dig the asian people though, they have given us aaaa lot, so keep shagging like bunnies and thanks for the great job you have been doing so far! Appreciate it, seriously!

Aaaand I just realized why my texts allways ends up longer than freaking Shac, and that is why I adlib too much... I think I should stick to the story, but then again, that is why this blogg started to exist in the first place, I wanted to adlib and shortcuting a couple of funny sidestories, because I like to write my opinions..All though I should have waited on that information a little bit longer because it would look ridiculous if I got bored and stoped writing on this blogg and the last thing you read is "I like to write"...kind of dumb right? You would think I am dead for crying out loud!

But that is another pretty obvious personal feature I have and I realized that a while ago, I get easily bored! and that is not a good feature I can tell you that... And how fast I get bored is in proportion to how long the activity, or whatever the hell I get bored of, is.. I mean for example if it is a TV-show lasting for 30 minutes I will probably get bored after 16 minutes, although this is all in my head, the boredom I mean not that I am dilussional... So I can stick it out due to the lack of future activity but I will probably never for all the gold in Fort Knox see the next episode...

That´s the kind of guy I am, and although it doesnt sound so bad to get bored over a TV-show, cmon everybody gets bored of the old digital Jack in the box, what are you crying about!? but it´s the same for me; for everything(!)... and that can sometimes include people..ookey alright almost always but that doesnt mean I dont have good friends because I do, I have a couple of dudes that I consider as brothers and those I could never get bored of..well, of course I can, but they are close, so I can say that to their faces but that hasnt happened yet so no I dont get bored with them..

So, it is pretty obvious right now is it not!?

Yupp, it is the girls I get easily bored about, and not girls perse because I love women, but I havent met someone that I really want to meet again.. and again and again and so on...I have had relationships but that´s not the same, because I got bored of those too, and also to fast..I regret sometimes not sticking out with it and see if it would have lead to something better because as soon as I hunch a yawn in the back of my mind, I end it! And is not that I dont want a woman by my side, because damn it I do, I just havent met her yet..I think..., and if I did I just got bored and blew her of my side like dust on my shoulder!

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