måndag 15 september 2008

All blonds are not dumb bimbos, someones you can even have discussions with(not the forced ones) and really, reaally enjoying it!

I love to be right at the end, especially when my correctness have had time to grow through a loud maybe even violent discussion. And when I mean right I do not mean "No I am right and that´s that, end of discussion, haha in your face- kind of a way!" noo nooo nooo, NO! I mean the Right when the otherone is Wrong. And by wrong I dont mean "yeah whatever, You are right, whatever..." I mean Wrong when they admit it aaafter all the arguments and views have been putted on the table and then say "huh, yeah I guess you are right!" (Maybe even with a "thanks man!" after that for the learning and teaching kind of a thing, like a master and protogé, but it´s not necessary at all...but it helps for my ego and nothing else!)

I mean who doesnt right!?

Buuut, I also love to be proven wrong, IF it has grounds to stand on then otherwise I just wont believe something extraordinary..because then it has drastically moved from truth or educating to plain old lies or a fairytale! but yes, being proved wrong isnt, everytime a bad thing and I came to that conclusion this weekend.. but being proven wrong and loosing in your typical fight with girlfriends, friends, parents..cats depending on what kind of a life you are living, are not the same thing!

Loosing in a fight just means that you couldnt come up with more words during the argument so you stormed out, still furious as hell or you have already won the fight due to the other individual lack of words- storming out- Move, which you can relate to chess, but instead of storming out you just throw the chess- table to the ground and laugh because you hate chess and you had been forced to play it from the beginning of time every Christmas Eve with your grandfather becuase all his chess- buddies are all very dead...sorry big sidestep there.... (where am I, where am I where am I?),,,aaah yes, loosing in a fight...BUT(!) being proved wrong is NOT the same thing, because that can be, in fact, quite liberating, or even satisfying if you stick to my story, and if you have an intellect that can produce braincells quick enough for the great gift of reading between the lines and if you have that you are doing just fine...

This weekend! Aah yes; My conclusion equals When you learn that your, or even the society´s, thoughts on stereotypes are being proved wrong, it can be quite the thrill- ride and you can say that you have been completely wrong in the past! of course, the thoughts from your past on stereotypes and prejudices are always exaggerated becuase every time the material for your stereotype crosses your path trough your everyday- life, it works as a fuel and you kind of say to yourself inside your head " huh, wow, I have really been right about this all along, because maan, every god damn.....(figure it out!)!" because no smoke without fire but sometimes, in rare moments where you could never predict it, the material for your stereotype comes along and proves you deadWrong, and that people,, is exactly what happened to me this weekend!

From now on I will never, ever start my views when putted verbally and/or in writing, with words that points out that my views are for all with the same estetic, personal, or any, feature you can think of that can match stereotypical thoughts, no instead I will use an individual feature for that person, say like their name, IF I have to supply my opinions to anyone (that ecuals bullshit- talk or café-talk and you all know that!)

And that was really satisfying and I am glad to now fill in the headline, and for you to use your imagination and figure it out all on your own!

But the moral to this story is; It can be OK to have stereotypical thoughts but let it be thoughts in your head because otherwise you can hurt someone, and instead feel great when you realize that you have been proven wrong and at the same time you didnt had to hurt someone by putting those thoughts out there,, and you will see that you didnt had to storm out the room cursing to be wrong!

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