fredag 19 september 2008

out of work or just miserably lazy!? Employment=Cup of Coffee in the mornings!

Okey, I think before starting to write this post: It´s not gonna be a long one, like aall the other ones, so let´s see if that can be arranged...

Ever realized that you are probably the laziest person in the world? I mean, just a little action or a thought that makes you start to think: "I think even the bums along the streets has a more busy schedule than I got..." Maybe I did the worst comparesment ever there because bums probably have a lot to do, lot of planning to do for the next hours in their life, about food, roof over their head("Hey guys, doesnt that parking- lot just screams; comfy stairwells?"), find a good begging-spot, a good begging-for change- hand- style and how they are going to catch the five day- forecast on the news,,,

I mean homeless guys are the only group of people that I feel are legit to ask the question: "Will the weather be good this week?" All you other people asking or even talking about the weather, STOP THAT! its so annoying, if you dont got anything to say, then be silent and vanish from my life, for god sake! If you REALLY want to know how the weather is going to be, like if you are going on a sailing- trip or something, then u probably already know the answer, because it´s just THAT important to you(!), and you trying to put the other dude in bad rep, NOT COOL, WeatherGeek!
Ok, fair enough, sailors and homeless dudes are legit to talk about the weather, because the weather is a big deal for their future...But everybody else, turn on the tele or go on the internet and find out for yourself...lazy...

(I just figured out that this aint gonna be a revolutionary post, this one is ALSO going to be much adlibing, my bad..although fuck that, I dont feel sorry for that, I love adlibing and if you wont read something that is longer than four lines with a huuuge picture, that just makes you dumb...not me...)

Aah that brings me back to my point, Lazy, I discovered today, this morning, that I love coffee but I am still too lazy to make it, I mean; when it´s only for me, I mean making something only for myself? do I deserve that kind of good treatment? I dont have any job, spending a lot of the time in front of the computer due to my sad balance on my account and no girl to play I deserve fresh coffee every morning?, Maaaybee an instant cup of coffee once in a while but there´s the line and I drew it!...or maybe it´s just like this; I am to lazy to wait for the water to get bubbly, suit up the old coffee- machine with a filter, WHICH I have to fill with coffee- grind, I, I dont know, sounds to
I think Iam just going to smell the coffee- grind for a while then have a glas of milk..yeah maybe some day I will drink a cup of coffee for breakfast, in my home, which I made myself.. that have to wait when I get a job.. But today, I will do, what I always do, pay for a cup of coffee, because someone actually wanted to make that cup just for me; A paying customer! I am happy with being that guy...

peace (not the weather- dudes, Is it really that important?, if it rains, grab an umbrella, that´s all you have to worry about, I mean where do you think you are living? The Amazones!? the weather doesnt changed that drastically here, that you have to check in with everyone you meet like every 15 min, it´s the saaame... geeez, dumbasses...)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

"Ok, fair enough, sailors and homeless dudes are legit to talk about the weather"

HAHAHA!! Love you shit man!

Walter Drego sa...

hehe thx dude!