fredag 19 september 2008

In the history of dumb and drunk decisions; we have a winner!

Okey, guys will agree me on this one..maaybee even the girls, but who knows what you people are doing when you are not sleeping? Perhaps; pillowfights in only lingerie while you are sharing a good Merlot with your "bestest friend"!?? Ok, that was a fun trip to every living and breathing guy´s dream, let skip back to the reality, shall we!?

aah technology, I have talked about it before but now I am upset of what we dont have in this day of age..we have a lot, and dont get me wrong I looove all the small stuff and gadgets that makes the human race what we are today; lazy, slobby and comfortable! Because lets face it, we have all these stuff that turn us into comfy little homo sapiens ("Is that why they are extinct!?") friendsfan, anyone? alright moving on.. There are tons of them and every little gadget gets more and more little features because it seems that we are not happy if we dont upgrade ourselves, why is that? because we are just so damn used with it!

I mean phones are getting camera, in situations where we just have to share our expierences from the night before with our friend but we cant get a hold of him? we dont have to call again, booom answering machine.. Cords? Nope my friend dont need those, say good bye, we got batteries!! even our comfy chair, that already has that name, gets more stuff so we can be more slobby and comfortable, fucking coolers in the arm rests? Do we really need that? arnt the comfy chairs fine as they are, comfy and close to the TV..if you really need a coke, GET UP! is there no stopping to us? everything is getting more comfy...But I think there has to be something with the power over something small but yet powerful in our hand, I mean every movie growing up when there was a bad guy, he aaalways had something reaally evil and powerful and it was aaalways really tiny! I think we are heading to that, our specie is filled with evil dudes that wanna take over the world with an apple that has lethal pits that explode as soon as...yeah yeah you get the point, almost got little evil there for a second! But I like it..buuuut,,,

,, what we reaaally need now is actually one more feature to our mobile phones (like we dont have enough features on the phones, right?) and it´s connected with our most beloved feature of them all, everybody uses it now and it´s called the SMS! aaaah could it be more perfect?
Here it is, we would move to the next level with this at our disposal, some kind of alcohol test before we can use it, because damn, the human race has suffered many times with drunk-, and horny of course, midnight- sms to the opposite sex! why do we do that? If we couldnt score when we were actually out in social environments where there was probably one or three women, I dont think we can score on a text- move...But like blow into the antenna or something and if you are too drunk to operate it a text appears in front of your eyes like a fresh slap in the face; "Not sober enough to compose a sms, please try in 14 hours for the next session"... that would save a lot of agony and regret in the morning and you dont have to send an apologize- sms in the morning when your are apologizing to your head to stop the noice inside, and he is punishing you for pouring the alcoholic beverages in barrel- quantities last night! But all that will vanish with the alcohol tester!

okey not to say that aaaall drunk dials and smses are due to fail maybe sometimes you would get a positive answer instead of eating your night food alone that consists of tasty indian food that you got for 39 kr (maybe because it was on the floor once or twice during the cooking of it) with bamboo and shit in it which you got from the place on the corner that smells like a 2 weeks old kitty-litter box where you never, eeeveer, even look at while beeing sober and hopefully you are spending most of your outdoor- life sober and not drunk so the odds of walking into that place 14 minutes over something reaally late are not huge, my friend but sadly you did.. and of course you are opening a new beer because you were acting "dude" to yourself at this time its like "Beeeer!?" "Heeell yeah man, that would be aaawesome!!" because yeah, all those 13 beer at the pre- party and the six shots of absinth out in some shabby pub were just, what, "warming you up" for this beer!? that beer is the one that is going to make you pay and will make sure that the only love and affection for you tonight will be from the toilet while hugging that shit in a fetus position, because seriously there was probably a good idea falling asleep on the kitchen table with a almooost full beer because I dont think the sms was the only thing that was hard to operate this night if you know what I mean, save that energy for the pillowfight- dream because the old love stick wont cooperate with you my man!..idiot...

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hehe fuckin lovin it!!

Walter Drego sa...

hahaha sweet man!

Anonym sa...

Not all sms's must end badly...
I have actually managed to turn that "I am sorry for the rude sms I sent last night, I was drunk"-sms into a "so what are you doing to night, I am sober, and my things are working again"-sms....

And by the way, they always drink Champagne in mine, who the f-k drinks Merlot anyway?

Walter Drego sa...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhaha touché my bad was cheap for some reason, I guess I dont get cable yet!! (??) ;)hehe