onsdag 24 september 2008

the learning- process of riding a bike can be more than just training wheels..

I was thinking about something and I cant for all the rice in China remember what it was, buut I do, however, continued that thought and my mind wandered of and crossed a subject about age..
Everybody is getting older, I mean that is a scientific fact! you are being born, you learn important stuff like talking, crawling, walking, learn how to ride a bike with a father holding on and then you learn how to ride a bike with a pair of learning- wheels and then you learn how to ride the bike without any attachments to it, and I think the whole "learning how to ride the bike- cycle" and how that process is evolving is much like growing up and what bumbs and jumps as you moving to, well actually, death..but let´s not be moody here with death and such because that is not at all what crossed my mind..you probably think I am going to talk about what happens when you die and so forth due to the fact that I mentioned the word death so early in the text, but let´s not get carried away here, my topic is much more dull than that!

No, but seriously now, the "bike-cycle" can be compared to relationships and how that evolves and how you adjust to the fact that you have to share what´s yours with someone else! because first, much like the father holding on to the bike, you have someone watching your back all the time! But in time that holding on- person is becoming more and more like a glued backback, it´s an unnecessary weight, but then it kind of grows on you and it´s hard to let go... but then in time you have to because let´s face it here people, the first relationship almost never works out, you are (hopefully) young and you do stupid things when you have your first relationship and then; boom, break-up.. unless the stupid thing is the mother of all stupid things, like getting your high school sweetheart knocked up, because then that backback is glued with freaking crazyglue, that shit will neeeever wash off!.. But most of the times you actually move on and find someone new, and that is like the learning- wheels, it´s new and fresh and fun and you love it! You are just fit for eachother, you feel like you can do anything in the world all on your own! You are your own man but still have an understanding girlfriend, but sadly those two things can never be together for so long; freedom and relationship! But you think that, and one sidestep, the wheels tangles into some wierd stuff along the pavement and boom, knees are scrubbed and you cry and she cries because no one understands how this could happen... and you just want everything to go back, as it were before when everything just worked and it was easy, with your loyal dad holding on for dear life, not letting you fall! But that can never happen, so you have to, again, just move on..

Buut, now you have learned from your early day- mistakes and feeling good when the wounds are healing up, and then it slowly dawns on you; "I have to be all alone for a while to discover who I really am and what I am capable of doing myself, and then I can start looking for some really great attachments and that one will, hopefully, stay putted with me and we can learn from mistakes, together and grow old!"

I´ll say this to you though, it doesnt matter how much you screamed for your first when the second were failing, the ex can never come back and be the one who you end up with, because it ended for a reason and I dont know where you are from if you think you can marry your father, that shit is just wieeerd...

If, you dont get this text, read it again and if you still dont understand it, please comment it and let the world know how dumb you are for not understanding a comparing metaphor!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ok, so relationships are like learning to ride a bike, I get it, but then all of a sudden you want a motorbike, it's faster, it's shinier, it takes you further, faster and it makes you feel great in ways you never thought possible when you were riding your old bike...but guess what?
Your metaphor still works though because when you break up with your new motorbike it really hurts...

Walter Drego sa...

aaaall right, so do the motorbike comes before or after the training wheels!?? hehe, love your comments! peace