fredag 19 september 2008

Parenting is a great responsibility!

With that title it gives the appearance that I have three kids that are just painfully annoying but no that isnt the case, far from it, actually I think I still consider myself as one of those painfully annoying kids...

But yees, it´s a pretty big commitment.. It´s like the biggest most important job you will ever get.. think about how that job- interview would go:" Well, I see here Mr.Johnson, that you have quite the resumé and great qualification from your present boss..let´s see here,, Mrs.Johnson..hrrm, moving on.. But are you up to the task, Johnson? This job consists of a lot of responsibility and a lot of night- and weekend- shifts..let´s see what job you searched for, aah here we are; you wanted the job as a Father, well let me tell you right now then, boy, it´s gonna be aaaall the nights and weekends..this is a 24 hour job and your first vacation will be in, let´s see here, in 18 yeeeaars! maybe some weekend off in 15 years or so when the kid starts to date but hey, I wouldn´t count on that, you could get an ugly kid! But if you want it, you start working here immediately in, about 9 months.."... "I´ll take it!"

Why is it such a responsibility then? Well, probably because anything the kid will ever do or say in the future, you are, as the parent, going to be putted on the stand every single time..The parents are constantly in the electric chair, waiting for it to be plugged in.. Because if the kid is often surrounded by new things; "Spoiled!; parent´s fault!"..-"That kid gets whatever he points at.." If the kid swears a lot; Booom, parents fault!" "they should reaally think about what they are saying around the kids..." If the kid is afraid of showing love; "The parents doesnt show enough affection around the kid, you should hug your kids more!"Or that they had sex when the kid was lying in the crib next to them..Hey don´t judge me, this is Freud talking here, not me, and he is dead so you cant do anything about it.. If the son is emotional; "Mommy´s boy!"...or that he is getting beat up by the father, I cant remember which one...

..I guess it´s not important.... ( on "Rembering what´s important, if you read it you´d understand this line.. it´s the text right below this one, I was hoping whoever reads my texts has some kind of memory...reaaad it..)

Signed yours truly: Kidless Freud( I mean cmon, how did he have so many theories about kids and how they act and finding out why..there´s never anything about his kids.. Maybe he neglected them so much for his work, y´know finding out how to be the best PARENT..Irony!!did he have kids? Or were he just the biggest pedophile ever lived...creapy isnt it!?

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