onsdag 24 september 2008

How old do you think I am, Wow, that one is tricky!

when you are growing up, and I mean for all your life, because think about it, that term is only used when you are a child who is growing up.. But I think you can use it to more than that, because we are growing up for everyday that goes.. Why does it have to be only for a child who is getting older?
Why cant it be when you are getting married? (I mean married, of course, when you are living in a civilized society and where you are not considered as an adult when you get your first tooth!)
"Aaah look at Pete, he is getting married, you know, they are growing up so fast these days!" "uuh, mom, I am 28 but hey I guess you are right, I am growing up!" Or, when you get into your first senior citizen- home (residential retirement home), "Aaaah look at my grandfather, just 75 and already in a retirement home, he is really growing up, oops grandpa (!) dropped your teeth there!"

Okey, maybe it should be used how it always has been used because that last part was just plain old crazy..and maybe even a little obscene...

But understand me here, We are of course "growing" all the time and we are getting older... But how do we decide when someone is "old"? Over 70 or when you cant eat an apple without chipping a tooth, because someone forgot to peel it and cut it into small pieces?
When are you "too old" for something? are you "too old" when you see your own child at the same place you hang out in while getting drunk? Or is it just your child who is "too young" to be there? In what cases can you say, "Wow, I am really getting old!" and "Wow, I am getting older!"... or are they the same!? are you "getting old" when your eyes doesnt quite cooperate with you, without helpdevices such as glasses with huge bifocals? And are you "getting older" when you are looking around in a bar and you realize that almost everyone in there, are like what 18 and you are, well, NOT! But "getting older" can of course also reflect on when you "feel" older than the ones surrounding you, for using the example already mentioned; in a bar!

How old are you when you want the guess from this conversation to be older than you or younger than you? Out in a bar: "So, how old are you?" "Weell, I dont know, how old do you think I am?" When do you want the guessing person to say a lower number than your actual age or on the contrary? Well, the obvious answer for when you want it to be higher is of course when you are considered too young to even be out in the first place, and you kind of wanna see if you´ll pass..

But lower, is more of a tricky question! I know, when an older woman asks me how old I think she is, I always go with younger because that is what she wants to hear and I am a nice person, even though she looks like she could be a model for a permobil or for coffins , because daaamn she looks old, stick to the bingo and weaving grandma! So I think, for women, they want a lower number when they have passed like, 25-28 depending how vain they are.. But men, I guess they want a lower number when they are I dont know, 35-38 depending how big of a looser they are...

I guess, we have a lot of stuff helping us determing what is "age- appropriate" such as laws and rules, like you cant go out in bars when you are under 18, cant buy strong liquor (unless it´s in a bar, I know it´s tricky stuff..) until you turn 20, cant drive nor vote while beeing under 18 in Sweden and so on.. But I am of course talking about how to know when something is or isnt "suitable", depending how old you are! the rules and laws can of course be helping a lot in some cases:

"He is only 18 years old, he cant get married, it´s going to be illegal for him to drink at his own bachelor- party!" -- "Yeah, and illegal for him to have hookers there...."--- "Always illegal Joe!"

(I knew quotes from "Friends" would come in handy some day...)

11 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I'll have to correct you there buddy... Being 34-38 does NOT automatically mean that you want everybody to think you are younger... it still depends.
Say you are back at this bar of yours and the only interesting woman there, then only one you can talk to for more than five seconds without being totally wasted, turns out to be 40.
Do you still want her to think you are younger? Women are kind of picky about that, so it is better that she THINKS you older than her, right?
And then fifteen minutes later when she has gone home with someone who actually WAS over forty, then you DO WANT the cute, but not to bright nineteen-year-old blond bimbo to think that you are younger than your 34 so she won´t be too embarrassed when she realizes that she just slept with you....
It´s complicated man, and it gets worse, the more I learn the more confused I get.
Remember Christmas eve? When you were four or five you thought everything would be great once you got to open your presents...and it was!!
Look at Christmas now, all responsibilities and worrying about who and how and why and when and where....

Walter Drego sa...

first of all, to be 34-38 ( wow, you are really being anonymous; setting your age like that, mature!) you have to know how to complete a sentence before you can actually correct someone, get that fixed! Ooor, maybe it has something to do with your english; I have no Idea...:D and second of all, I dont mean that "I" am the one who wants to feel younger, it´s the woman who wants, and needs to feel younger, man! because I am young enough, and women are always good with the guessing, so they will know, when sleeping with a younger man with great energy thanks to the "NOT fall a sleep on top of them- tecnique! (or maybe it´s "you" who wants to feel younger by posting a comment,in this case, being the one with some kind of sub- trauma- experience with christmas eves, didnt get the red firetruck you wished so dearly for!??) I know, it must be hard; getting all those flashbacks with homemade- shirts of yours...But if you dont get the text, or IRONY, I mean who knows what stone you have been living under to misunderstand this easy text! I would recommend a second try on the reading and then come back to me! the whole text is about ages and what is suitable for the mentioned genre; so if your opinion is; it´s great being "older" than an "old" woman and equally to a nineteen year old, who are you!? just sad perhaps!?? ( Am I getting through at all? DONT take it too personally! that will only lead you to fixation!) signed yours truly / wtf, still taking the text too seriously!??

Walter Drego sa...

( I am guessing everybody gets that I was just joking and that I actually dont see the other dude´s comment as a correction nor an attack against me...Wow I just consider everybody else to be reaaally reaaally dumb, sorry!;)

Anonym sa...

First of all: I've thought about it, long and hard, and I've come to a conclusion:
-It MUST be me English!
I've always had trouble with it, ever since I learned to speak it...at the age of two...

Secondly: I can understand that you don't want to be younger 'cause that would make you what? An unfertilized egg?!
And this IRONY you are going on about, is that some foreign word for poor spelling and grammar? I don't think we have that under my stone....(that should be "under my ROCK", but I'll stick with your word, to make it easier for you to understand.

Besserwisser?! Me?!? Never!!)

Anonym sa...

Oh and before you make a fool of your self by stating the obvious fact that it's called "It must be MY English!" not "me English" that was meant to me onomatopoetic, there by conveying my Liverpool accent.

Yeah, I think you are stupid to.

Anonym sa...

Underbar dude. Tänk vilket tråktigt liv han måste ha som kommenterar en helt okänd persons blogg och verkligen lägger ner massa tid och energi. Söt... Engelsmän. Vilka tomtar...

Walter Drego sa...

hahhaahahha..liverpool, du e gay felton!;) hahhaha.."me english"..hahaha..and correcting stone for "rock"!?? really!? Ok, so thanks now I know something I didnt know before (you now when I was an unfertilized egg); that you have to use rock because if using stone instead, no one will understand.. o ja wille, faktum e att det e felton, tomte!;)hahaha

Walter Drego sa...

oh yeah, and "onomatopoetic"!? like to use big fancy word to let every one know you can speak the language or do you have an extra window open to look up words on the fine "did you mean:"-goggle service!?

Anonym sa...

I actually knew that word from my birdwatching days...Does that make me a NERD?

Walter Drego sa...

well, I dont know about that but I know for sure what the birdwatching doesnt make you, and that is as young and cool as, well me! peace

Walter Drego sa...

and help me god if you correct "as me" and say that it´s supposed to be "as I"..I will kill you man!:D